Saturday, October 1, 2011

Unseen Terror: Day 1

October is one of my favorite months of the year, and not just because my birthday falls on the 11th. It's the month of Halloween, which has grown to be my favorite holiday right behind Christmas and Festivus. So I figured, hey, why not do something different for the month and take a cue from the awesome James Rolfe (a.k.a. The Angry Video Game Nerd on YT) and do 31 days of horror films. But unlike James, I'm going to be reviewing 31 films I've never seen. It'll be a mix of stuff I've been meaning to see for some time, some I'm going to regrettably watch (but moreso just to say I've seen them), and some I'm doing out of morbid curiosity. Let's start day 1 with:

The film's plot is pretty simple. A pair of medical facility employees in Louisville, Kentucky accidentally release a deadly gas into the air of the facility, which soon spreads to a nearby cemetery and reanimates the corpses in the ground. With the help of their boss Burt, the mortician of the cemetery Ernie (hardy har har), and a group of mischievous punk rockers who just so happen to be hanging out in the cemetery, they try to stop the rampaging zombies from overtaking the town, and hopefully not the world.

This is a ridiculous movie, but a real treat for anyone who acknowledges that it is such. It's humor and horror never outweigh one another, and the blood/gore is pretty well done. The acting's a bit hit or miss, but it's forgivable since the script is full of enough fun and funny dialogue to make you forget. The zombies here are pretty damn awesome too, though I imagine some purists will scoff at them running and even talking. Personally, I thought it added to the awesomeness. Another high point is the soundtrack, which is comprised of mostly punk rock/deathpunk songs, but they work pretty well. Might have to seek this out for download later.

I regret not having seen this sooner. I'd happily buy it on DVD or Blu-Ray (if it's available that is) and watch it a few times more. Highly recommended, that is, if you know what to expect.

Tomorrow, I continue with House of the Devil.

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