Monday, September 8, 2008

Agenda for the next couple of weeks

Being jobless, while slowly driving me insane, has actually given me more opportunities to set up better future plans.

Such as:

-Setting up a time to take the postal service exam. Shit looks relatively easy. If anyone hasn't heard already, they're opening a new post office in town and they're looking for help. You can either call and order the testing book or, if its more convenient, head to your local library and check out the testing book. You don't HAVE to get a perfect score, seeing as how most of the test is double checking addresses and zip codes, and they'd rather you get get 150 exactly right than get 100 out of 300 wrong. Plus, $20/hr, including benefits=WINRAR.

-Trying to head to All That Remains in Myrtle Beach. I WAS going to try and head to Carcass/Rotten Sound in Raleigh, but a combination of ticket price, distance, merch price, and responsibilities (watching the house for a few days while ze mutha is out of town) are interfering with that show. Figure it might just be easier to see ATR in Myrtle Beach because a) I can head out late since they're the only band I give a shit about on the show and b) the show is half-priced. Everyone going to Carcass though, have fun. But PLEASE don't spend $30 on a shirt or $60 on a hoodie like they're charging. Doing a reunion for the kids my ass.

-Doing extras work on Monday the 15th. Fincannon apparently rarely calls people back, and you have to be the one to continuously call them in order to find openings for work. But alas, I got a call today about working for 12 hours on Monday. I wasn't informed about what film or show it might be for (if its my guess, its One Tree Hill) but its money regardless.

-Going to Afroman! Been a while since I've been to a rap show and this should be sure to provide many lulz.

-Seeing Burn After Reading. The Coen Bros are probably in my top 3 of my favorite filmmakers and any time they work with George Clooney or Frances Mcdormand, they produce gold. I'm considering seeing Righteous Kill, but its been so long since either of those has had a really good film to me (though I did like RDN in Stardust).

And thats about it for me. Go download the new cd from Mitch Hedberg "Do You Believe in Gosh?" Its one of the last shows he did before he died. Listen to Harms Way. Don't stagedive if you're heavy. Go see Death Threat on their new tour. Read the Walking Dead.


1 comment:

Joey Fletcher said...

yeah i applied at party city, and actually im pretty sure that i got the job already. if you do wanna apply wait til im fully hired and then you can put me as reference and have a better shot at working there too