Wednesday, December 24, 2008

End of the Year Things

Today is Christmas, a day I've always cherished more for the presents rather than it's true meaning (which never really meant much to me). And hell I'm fine with that. It also means we only have a week left until the year is officially DUNZO. While there are many reasons I fully welcome 2008 coming to a close, there are some good things to look back on that occurred this year. Basically, here's my generic "Best/Worst" list for 2008. I'm doing this in 3 parts: top 15 for music, a top and bottom 10 for films (thought admittedly there were a LOT of films that came out this year that came nowhere near my little town), and a top 10 concerts. I didn't watch enough television to make a best/worst of list (though I will say It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and the Colbert Report entertained me thoroughly, whereas Family Guy disappointed me immensely), and the same goes with books.

But hey, let's start this bad boy off with the top concerts. I went to a LOT this year, so narrowing this down was a doozy. I've only really got two left to attend (The Mongoloids/Mother of Mercy/At Half-Mast and more, and the NYE show @ Lucky's Pub) but I'll have to discard em for now.

10. TIE: Skeletonwitch/Rapture Cabaret & Skeletonwitch/Death Machine Weapons (both at Lucky's Pub). Yeah it seems sort of cheap to start a list with a tie, but alas, both gigs featuring the modern day thrashers were equally spectacular. It's rare when my mostly non-metalhead friends recommend me a band that I end up enjoying immensely, but by god after witnessing them steal the show from Dying Fetus last year, I'll be a devout follower of these guys.

9. Opeth/High on Fire/Baroness @ Lincoln Theatre- One of the best tour packages of 2008, and it would have been higher had the crowd not been rather snobbish. Every band gave 100% that night, and it was my first time seeing one of my favorite newer bands, Baroness. Being able to shoot the entire show made it even more special. Just saying to yourself "you're taking pics of Opeth!" is pretty cool.

8. Trash Talk/Alpha & Omega/Torch Runner @ The Brewery- One of the angriest shows of the year for sure. It was hard to NOT mosh at this show (heck even Mario got in on the action!), and it was remarkably cheap as well. Say what you will about Trash Talk as people, but they are a commanding and intimidating live band. Torch Runner are probably the best band playing hardcore in North Carolina right now too.

7. Trap Them/Fight Amp/Torch Runner @ The Brewery- Trap Them is incredibly fascinating, and I was beyond excited hearing about them coming to Raleigh. Fight Amp also put out one of my favorite records of 2008 (whoops, guess that's a spoiler for the top records list hehe). What topped this off was my first time witnessing Torch Runner, who like I said before, blew me away. Attendance wasn't high here, but those who went and stayed knew they saw something really special. Trap Them was intense and I couldn't be happier that they're getting more attention.

6. God Forbid/Death Angel/Soilent Green/Light This City @ Lucky's Pub- It was really surprising to see such a big tour package come to a place that couldn't possibly hold that many people, but it was even more surprising that so little people came out to watch. It's a shame, considering that every band performed to their best ability. It was also pretty refreshing to not have to drive a long distance for onceto see any of them. Shame that almost less than a month after this show that Light This City threw in the towel. R.I.P.

5. Ruiner/FC5 @ Lucky's Pub- The show itself was expectedly awesome, but what made it all the more special was the time before the show spent with the two aforementioned bands. I already wrote a blog entry about this one though, so it might be easier to just read that instead of wonder on why it was so much fun.

4. High on Fire/A Life Once Lost/Saviours/Car Bomb @ Cat's Cradle- Without a doubt the best SOUNDING show of the year for me. While I can't really support the barricade aspect of the venue, the sound system was absolutely flawless. Every note of High on Fire's set was crystal clear. Every riff coming from Matt Pike's awesome guitar was audible. Each band brought much riffage that night. I'm still puzzled by the phantom "puncher" though that seemed the strike me in the back of the head at the end of HOF's set. Felt like being hit by a 2x4.

3. Paganfest (Ensiferum, Turisas, Tyr, Eluveitie) @ Volume 11 Tavern- Hurdy gurdy, violin, accordion, folk, humpa, beer, singalongs, Iron Maiden cover, war paint, women. That's really all you need to know. It was great to see a metal show that didn't have one part that made me want to pull my hair out. I think the 2009 lineup looks okay, but if this becomes a yearly event, it'll be hard to top it's inaugural year.

2. Modern Life is War @ Canal Club- Saying goodbye to one of your favorite bands is hard to do. I can't remember when I felt such a strong connection to one band's music, but when I saw the itinerary for this Iowa band's final tour, I knew I had to make at least ONE of the dates. I traveled to Richmond for one of their final dates on the east coast, and it was a memorable one. Playing nearly every song I've longed for them to play (I'm Not Ready and Farmer's Holiday Association were two highlights), screaming my lungs out, and just having some good conversations with the guys made this one really hurt. But it was inspiring. There's actually video of the whole concert up on youtube somewhere, so if you were kicking yourself for not making this, it's the next best thing.

Our Rebel Hearts Will Turn Restless Ghosts...They Can Never Truly Kill Us, and We Will Never Truly Die...

1. Every Time I Die/The Bronx @ The Soapbox- Pure insanity. If you imagine a variety of people stagediving every 5 seconds, beer being sprayed everywhere at various times, a man trying to masturbate on stage, huge mosh pits, and a room that barely fit the packed house, it still wouldn't be an accurate description of this banger. The crowd was slow to show up, but by the time that the Bronx came on (who delivered a rip roaring punk rock and roll performance), the room was already wasted and ready to rage. When the Buffalo metalcore/rockers came on, they were wound up and ready to let it all out. When they closed with We'rewolf, Keith invited a good chunk of the crowd to come up on stage and party. And lo and behold, they did. It's shows like this one that make overlook the negative aspects of Wilmington and make me love the town I'm in. I really hope they come back.

Honorable mentions:

Flogging Molly/Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Blues Band/The Mighty Stef @ Ram's Head Live- I'm FINALLY old enough to drink at a Flogging Molly show, and I couldn't have picked a better one to start at. While the prices were certainly questionable, the show itself was an immense amount of fun. RPBDBB was one of the most entertaining 3-pieces I've seen in YEARS, and FM delivered another solid set like always.

The Black Dahlia Murder @ The Soapbox- I've always liked this band, but never really LOVED them like so many others I know. But hot damn do they deliver in a small club. The support bands were sort of hit or miss (Braindrill is talented, but they got a little boring towards the end), but the main stars were on fire that night. I'm definitely anticipating their next nearby gig.

Municipal Waste/Soilent Green/Iron Lung @ Volume 11 Tavern- This would have made my list, had it not been for me breaking my nose and the club acting dumbfounded about what to do (I'm still amazed that they didn't have ICE of any sorts). The bands did an amazing job though, and it was very gratifying to see kids stagediving for Soilent Green.

Kids Like Us/Energy/The Mongoloids/Meantime @ Lucky's Pub- The show itself was nothing special (though I thought Energy and Meantime were actually good), but the sheer amount of people attending coupled with the bizarre behavior of others at the show made it a memorable one. The second time around wasn't nearly as fun, but this still remains the most insane show I've ever seen at Lucky's Pub to date.

Terror/Trapped Under Ice- I moshed with my shirt off. If that doesn't tell you how much alcohol I had consumed that night, then I don't know what will convince you.

As far as the worst shows go, well, it's a little hard to say. Flogging Molly @ The House of Blues wasn't very good, but that was more the fault of the venue and the people who attended, especially since the bands were actually good. There were several notable bands I saw who I thought sucked the shit from a cow's asshole, but not an overall bill.

Some of the bands who I hope I never have to see again include:

Up From Ashes
Stick To Your Guns
Arsonists Get All the Girls
The Warriors
Tera Melos
Know the Score
Legion of the Fallen

That's it for now. The cd list and movie list will be coming up later on.

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