Friday, February 27, 2009


These past couple of months have felt like the summer/end of 03 all over again. Most people I know are moving away or joining the armed services. It's kind of scary. Some part of me wonders if this will become a routine every few years or so.

I'm always dumbfounded as to how someone can reach a point in their life where they say "alright, I don't have ANY options left. I'm choosing to be shipped overseas and be thrust into the heat of battle." I haven't known anyone who has done it for the whole "defending the country blah blah" reason.

I can hope that 2009 will bring better days for me than 2008 did. So far, it just seems like the same ol' situation. Still jobless, still feeling like I'm losing more people than gaining new ones.

But at the same time, I've been trying to learn to stop being so worried about the problems of others. It seems to be working pretty well so far, minus the above stress.

Some other quick notes:
-Irreversible was one hell of a disturbing flick. I'll give it props for being so daring, but the second half was actually pretty boring/meandering.
-Street Fighter IV kicks ass. I hate that last boss with a passion though.
-I'm waiting for Madball/Reign Supreme to happen already.
-Same with United Blood in Richmond.
-Scion Fest in this weekend. Damn their hides for making the ticket process so sketchy.
-I need to diversify my music taste.

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