Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Unseen Terror 2015: Day 20

In 1916, a series of strange attacks terrorized the residents of Northern New Jersey's shores. The culprit of these incidents was believed to be a rather large shark, though there are some in charge who are hesitant to take action, believing that it could greatly affect business from tourists. Over the course of twelve days, more incidents pop up, and more lives are lost. Fed up, a small band of locals decide that the time to take action is eminent, and their hunt for the aquatic predator(s) begins.

I will make this short and sweet: despite the source material serving as an inspiration for Peter Benchley's widely popular and influential novel that damn near everybody on the planet has heard of, this is a factually inaccurate, forgettable made-for-tv diarrhea sandwich that features soap opera-levels of bad acting, computer generated sharks, irritating narratives that feel like dialogue lifted from M. Night Shyamalan's The Last Airbender, and far too many waspy caucasians for a single viewer to relate to. Christ, not even the supporting role from John Rhys-Davies (The Lord Of The Rings, Raiders Of The Lost Ark) can save 12 Days Of Terror. Mind you, he acts as the prototypical nice older fisherman before transitioning into a role that can only be described as Quint from Jaws, but if he had nothing interesting to his personality. I can't entirely blame him for trying to work with what little amount of time that he's on screen though. At this point in his career, I'm certain that he's the Welsh equivalent of Eric Roberts, meaning that as long as you ask him politely, he'll appear in your motion picture. Wait, who the hell cares?! Do not watch this crap. Do not buy this crap. Even for a B movie that initially premiered on Animal Planet (you didn't misread that), it's boring and awful. Let's just move on to day 21, shall we?

Hmm, what am I watching again?

*checks list*

Oh, a Wes Craven movie. And it's a Wes Craven flick about werewolves! This could be enterta-wait....shit....

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