Boy, talk about a crazy weekend. One of the more memorable ones I'm likely to have in my lifetime. I'm sitting here listening to "Nervous Breakdown" and that may have been imminent had there not been people to talk to and something else that for Federal Government reasons I won't mention. :P
I realize I complain a lot, so I figure I'll start with the bad before the good. Mainly also because the bad outweighs the good.
Thursday night at the theater was a clusterfuck, mainly due to the Iron Man 2 premiere and our co-manager being an even bigger cunt than usual, which I didn't think was possible. In terms of sheer misery, I think this was actually the worst. I was coming to a strong realization this shit was beneath me and everyone here, minus a few of the younger High School kids, who even if they know better, are such dipshits they deserve to work in crapholes like that.
Saturday evening was aggravating more or less due to being scheduled with an incredibly stupid and lazy female co-worker. Thankfully was let off work early due to overstaffing, and went somewhere afterward for something I'll talk about later.
Sunday, it all came down crashing. All my years or frustration in customer service and retail, were pent up into a ball and came out during a theater cleaning. With the thoughts of "WHY am I doing work like this?" still fresh in my mind, I became angry over spilled drink cups I accidentally dropped, screaming "God damn it!" in front of customers who were let in too early. I went out and told the nearest employee "I'm not doing that right now, this is absurd." I was sent on break as I'm sure my story, which was told by two overweight redneck women to box office, was being taken into account as to determine my fate in the company. Admittedly, I was pretty emotionally wrecked as I went on break. Thankfully, my mother and one of my closest friends helped calm me down a bit. When the evening came to a close, I was told to go upstairs and I pretty much knew what was next. I was told they were going to have to let me go. I'll say what I said up there: I'm making no excuses. I snapped over something stupid and let my anger get the better of me. I could even sense they weren't thrilled to do it, but that might have been due to my manager telling me she had never done this before.
So yeah, my brief tenure with Carmike Cinemas is over. At first I thought, I'm never coming back to any of these theaters again. But I really can't be too pissed at the chain or even the theater, they were just doing their job, and I probably would have done the same if I were in their position. I think my overall feeling, at least as of right now, is GOOD! Folks, retail and customer service jobs suck. They emotionally fuck you up in some way shape or form, the pay is almost always atrocious, and you become generally more misanthropic over time. That last one might actually intrigue some of you though...
But this might be a nice transition to the good. I've worked the past few years stuck in retail, and realize how much potential and time I've wasted. There are so many other opportunities out there for me that I may have glossed over for petty reasons. Time to check some of them out I say.
Okay, that was a long transition. How about this one?
After work on Saturday, I went over to my friend Eli's and David's to catch what I could of the UFC card. I only managed to catch half of the co-main, the main event, and one undercard fight they showed. The co-main was whatever to me, as I'm not a huge fan of either Paul Daley or Josh Koscheck (if I had to pick the lesser of two evils, I'd go with Daley) and Josh pretty much did what he did to Chris Leben in their TUF fight: use wrestling to overwhelm his opponent and keep him from posing any real threat. That sucker punch at the end of the fight was definitely low though, can't say I blame Dana White for cutting Paul Daley over that.
The undercard fight was entertaining too, even though I already knew Jonathan Goulet was getting TKO'd.
But that didn't compare to the main event. I don't remember the last time I've cheered that loud after a sports result. Shogun KO's Lyoto Machida in the 1st round, becoming the UFC Light Heavyweight Champion that most of us already knew he was. I feel bad for Lyoto, seeing as how I think he's a great fighter as well, but I'm sure he'll rebound. But for now, SHOGUN! Made me so happy I actually hugged someone. Seriously.
I also had some Flaming Amy's with my mom for Mother's Day. We both think the holiday is a joke, but hey it gave us an excuse to go to Amy's.
There was also a nice party on Friday night, which mainly consisted of beer, jello shots, and playing lots of Wii. Neato.
Also paid a visit to my friend Laura at her place of work before Saturday's shift of hell. That was nice.
So yeah, all in all, a very interesting week. The feeling of being basically fired is very unique one. It sucks, but you'll get over soon so long as you realize it's not the end of the world. I certainly know I have my remedy for it. But I can't talk about it on here. Lord knows that it + Howl-Full of Hell help though.
I'm choosing to fill a small part of the gray area in my life with random reviews from the realms of cinema, music, and more things that are generally looked down upon by society. And you've chosen to read them apparently.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
The times
They are a changin'.
And lord knows it's time for some reevaluating when it comes to multiple things. What I'm going to do with my life, who I associate with, where I go with these projects I'm working on/with.
I don't know if everything happens for a reason, but I'm damned sure whatever happens will only end up shaping me into something I may have never been before.
And lord knows it's time for some reevaluating when it comes to multiple things. What I'm going to do with my life, who I associate with, where I go with these projects I'm working on/with.
I don't know if everything happens for a reason, but I'm damned sure whatever happens will only end up shaping me into something I may have never been before.
Monday, January 18, 2010
R.I.P. Daisuke Gôri
Those of you who know me know I have a long love of the Dragon Ball franchise that spans almost 15 years now. I remember catching it in it's initial 13 episode run on UPN Saturday mornings in 1995. A short time later, I stumbled across a channel called appropriately enough, The International Channel. On said channel, I discovered that they aired Dragon Ball Z in Japanese uncut. There were no subtitles, but it didn't matter to me at the time. I fell in love with the Japanese score and more importantly, the voice talent. One of my favorites was the gruff and oh so entertaining Daisuke Gôri, who played Mr. Satan (pictured below), King Cold, Umigame (the turtle) and a few more.

It saddens me to hear of his passing, and even more so that it was an apparent suicide. His talents and voice will be sorely missed, and the foreign entertainment industry will never be the same. Here are a few notable roles of his besides his work in the DB franchise:
Heihachi Mishima-Tekken 3 and beyond
Bass Armstrong-Dead or Alive
E. Honda-Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie
Dozle Sabi-Mobile Suit Gundam
You will be missed Mr. Gori. Thank you for all the wonderful memories. Perhaps there is no better time than the present now for that long planned Mr. Satan costume for Halloween...
It saddens me to hear of his passing, and even more so that it was an apparent suicide. His talents and voice will be sorely missed, and the foreign entertainment industry will never be the same. Here are a few notable roles of his besides his work in the DB franchise:
Heihachi Mishima-Tekken 3 and beyond
Bass Armstrong-Dead or Alive
E. Honda-Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie
Dozle Sabi-Mobile Suit Gundam
You will be missed Mr. Gori. Thank you for all the wonderful memories. Perhaps there is no better time than the present now for that long planned Mr. Satan costume for Halloween...
Friday, January 1, 2010
You're off to a good start 2010...
"The 12 year break is over & school is back in session. Sign up now. Knights of the Soundtable ride again!"
-Chris Cornell via his twitter.
Via mmajunkie and bloodyelbow:
-Chris Cornell via his twitter.
Via mmajunkie and bloodyelbow:
Spike TV will premiere the "Best of Pride" series on Friday, January 15th, with new one-hour episodes every Friday.
UFC president Dana White explained the format of the program:
"It'll kind of be like 'UFC Unleashed,'" said White, referring to Spike TV's UFC-themed highlights show. "All the great PRIDE fights that happened with all the stars who are UFC guys now will be on it."
Both of these bits of news are awesome. Maybe this year won't suck after all...
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